Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Strategically Gifted

You have been uniquely constructed and Strategically Gifted by God. He gives gifts, special God-empowered abilities for serving Him that are given to believers. 
You’re not born with them and you can’t earn them - they’re a gift. 

The world, (and some believers even) question if God really exists, why does He allow poverty, injustice and suffering in the world. He could ask us the same question! The truth is that God’s heart is to speak and act, and He has empowered the Church to do so. What is the Church? The Church is described as the 'Body of Christ'. The human body is used as an illustration to explain the workings of the Church, with Christ as the head, the Church His body and believers making up the members. The ‘head’ describes a position of authority, and Christ seeks to direct His body to do His will. By doing this, we become the active expression, and presence of Christ in our world. 

"The church is Christ's body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence." Ephesians 1:23

There’s a human body fact that says, it takes 72 different muscles to produce human speech. Likewise, God desires to use you and I, different people who have been strategically gifted to work together to make a difference in our world. The mobilised Church, and an activated believer points to the existence of God! 

"Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16   

There’s no greater use of your God-given gifts than to use them for the purpose, and in the service of the one who gifted them.

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