tr.v. cal·i·brate
To check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard.
Character is not that sexy a subject – unless it’s a public figure caught in a compromising position by a journalist! Many love reading and learning about keys to prosperity, steps to success and or principles of leadership etc. In an ambitious attempt to get ahead in life, we can underestimate the importance of things like character, cutting corners and taking short cuts, which sadly lead to destiny detours, delays and dead ends. But I strongly believe that a good character under girds and gives rise to promotion; longevity; prosperity; success; opportunity and much more.

Character has been defined this way; 'Character is the stable and distinctive qualities built into an individual’s life, which determine his or her response regardless of circumstance.' Another defines it this way, 'It is the guiding force embraced with an unshakable set of principles that forge the way in the midst of confusion and disarray…' Character is a predetermined resolve to respond honourably in any predicament despite the consequence.
'The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.' // Proverbs 10:9
A lack of good character tragically stamps an expiry date, limiting the long-term sustainability of success, and the lifespan of blessing in our lives. 'It is impossible to be our best at the supreme moment if character is corroded and eaten into by daily inconsistency, unfaithfulness, and besetting sin.'
Are you becoming the person you want to be, or are happy with? Character is developed daily, and credibility gained gradually, but can be lost suddenly. 'Character may be manifested in great moments but it is made in the small ones.' It’s fashioned by personal choices and private company. It is developed by conviction not convenience, by design not by default. Scripture says, 'Unless you are faithful in the small matters, you won’t be faithful in the large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.' Therefore it’s in the everyday moments of our life, both in the seen and unseen, that we prepare ourselves for the greater ones.
'until the time came to fulfil his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.' // Psalm 105.19
In Genesis 39, we read about Joseph, a young man with bold dreams who passes a series of character tests. He received a promotion and was given the opportunity to oversee all of his boss’ affairs. Joseph was confronted with his own supreme moments, one of those being the intense and consistent sexual advancements from his boss’ wife - and despite the seductive nature of the temptation he refused emphatically. Joseph’s moral compass, based on his fear of the Lord, very effectively overrode his own natural inclinations and urges. Vulnerable moments like these are more character testing, than they are character building. Remember, 'Character is not made in a crisis it is only exhibited.' We are all susceptible to compromise, especially in weak areas of our life, but we are less likely to bow, fall or comply when our convictions are clear and commissioned.
Society rises and falls on the quality of its collective character. It’s reliant on the responsibility and reliability of its people. Embedded in the soul of society are aspirational qualities such as humility; honour; integrity and loyalty. The world often, and rightly so, reminds those who profess to be Christian how they should live. They can easily identify the un-characteristics of godly conduct. Our character is on display for all to see, and more widely publicised and broadcast these days with social media etc. If we set the bar, or believe in the standards that the bar represents, it is only right that we ourselves comfortably clear it and humbly admit when we miss the mark in doing so.
Therefore wisdom beckons your attention, and graciously says to you concerning character, dismiss it and it will be to your own demise - develop it and it will distinguish you.
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