sur·plus adj.
Being more than or in excess of what is needed or required.
Is your Soul in Surplus? There are seasons in life that demand heart and soul; decisions and determination; pursuit and poise; challenge and change; focus and fight. Life can also take us completely by surprise; the unintended; the unexpected; the uninvited or the unforeseen! Whoever you are and no matter what you do, it is to your advantage in life to live with a Soul in Surplus.

Many people’s perspective in life can be black or white, but what I’m talking about is life experienced in black or red! Let me explain. As you may know, in the red and in the black are accounting terms. In the red means a negative value or below zero, and in the black a positive value - and prudently recommended! Therefore across the balance of your life, your soul is either in the black or in the red. We need discretion in this regard, the ability to be sensitive and responsive. Pre-empting the need to make the necessary adjustments in our life.
Life doesn’t discriminate. Hard times are inevitable but with foresight we need not be unprepared or incapable. Emotional bankruptcy is responsible for many bad decisions with ranging consequences. Struggling to get by with a soul that is either at risk of, or already in the red is debilitating. The indicators are clear; a soul in the red or in deficit is paralysed by problems. They feel anxious and powerless to effect change or take action. They always have something to prove. Achievement is always on display. It is filled with negativity and has a defeated outlook on life. It is consumed with self but focuses on what other’s have. This soul often overlooks their own blessing but notices and resents other people’s and is cynical of their success. They constantly and unwisely compete and compare themselves. A soul in deficit is overcome by need. They have a scarcity mindset, often ruled by lack. A soul in deficit is starved of freeing truth, or healthy mindsets. It is dominated by discontent. It is insatiable; always needing more and impossible to satisfy. Benjamin Franklin said; Discontent makes rich men poor, contentment makes poor men rich.
Consider the following things that I believe replenish and restore the soul; Anchor your soul with prayer. I find that my relationship with God is a source of great peace, strength and confidence. It effectively deals with my anxieties and puts into perspective my challenges. Take time to meditate on the right things. The Bible is full of life principles and timeless truths that graciously instruct us to live well. Discover and fulfill your purpose in life. Your soul needs identity resolve. This is who I am, and what I am on earth for. Look out for the interests of others and find ways to be generous. Proverbs says, The generous soul will be made rich, and He who waters will also be watered himself. Rest your soul. Take time out for recreational activity that refreshes you. Finally, make your peace with people, and with your Maker. Reconciliation is very important to the health of your soul. Forgive and be forgiven.
A Soul in Surplus is a prosperous soul with enlarged capacity. Whether it’s vision you’re pursuing, temptation you’re resisting, adversity your overcoming or relationships you’re building, a soul in surplus has what it takes - and some! The mind is powerful, emotions are compelling and the will influential. When these elements are healthy, people have the potential to be so resilient in life. Fortitude is one characteristic of a soul in surplus. It’s defined as strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage. Fortitude however, is afforded to those who build emotional capacity and develop healthy mindsets and positive attitudes. This gives them the rare capacity to withstand, persevere and overcome - and prosper in all things.
Love the CS Lewis quote. Spot on about being anchored in prayer - the story in Matthew 7 of the house built on rock or sand ... what I love about this is both are hit by hard times, yet one is anchored and so survives - one had its surplus ready :)